Death by PowerPoint

Recently I attended a webinar. The presenter for some reason kept hitting the key-board rhythmically. For the first few minutes, there was an uproar on the chat – someone asked someone else to mute themselves … till they figured that it was the presenter, who, oblivious to what was happening on the chat, kept on hitting the key-board rhythmically. Slowly the chat died in the chat box and after some time, you heard no answers. The rhythmic beating of the keyboard had apparently put the 100 odd people to sleep along with his monotonous tone and the bulleted PowerPoint slides.
At one point of time in our life or another, all of us have sat through such mind-numbing, tedious, energy draining presentations.
Slow death, apathy bordering on – despair is one of the definite after-effects of such PowerPoint presentations.
As a facilitator, I hate power-point, especially the ones which have multiple bullet points with sub and sub-sub bullet points. And now 3 months into online programs – I hate the hum-drum voice of a presenter who loves reading out every point on the power-point.
And some presenters love animation – except that it jumps out from the most unexpected corners – twisting and turning and taking away the real message of the presentation.
Aside from humor, presentations like these can create real challenges especially when important decisions have to be taken or when facts have to be considered carefully before arriving at conclusions. Do look up how PowerPoint presentations – actually killed 7 people in space shuttle Columbia here.
Death by Power-Point is real – especially when delivered online.
And perhaps that is the reason why our participants rate our programs so high. We use many apps to engage with our learners – young, old and not yet old – love our programs – because of the interaction, the gamification and the program design.
In fact, there were some programs – where we heard kids cheering their dads and moms in the background – as they were trying to win the challenge given to them.
Do sign up for our 30 – minute demo and experience what an online session should be!
It is fun, exciting and it is learning!!
Our signature online programs:
- Ninja Manager
- Problem Solving Yoda
- Secret Code of Decision Making
- Virtual Rain maker (B2B sales effectiveness)
- Personal Infinity (Personal mastery program)
- God is in the Details
- RESET (Employee counselling for overcoming anxiety)
And yes – we love to take on the challenge of customizing our program for you! Do reach out –