Mental Health in 2020

What mental health needs is more sunlight, more candor, more unashamed conversation about illness that affect not only individuals but their families as well.
Glen Close
My youngest daughter who runs a kids newsletter sat at the table looking completely disappointed .
On asking she told me that she was disheartened not to find a single positive news anywhere in the world for this edition of hers.
On asking what she is going to do about it, she said in a matter of fact way, “Like they say old is gold, I am going to run some old positive news”
This in psychological terms is also called reverse gap. It reminds us where we were 2 years back, 5 years back, 10 years back. What did our life look like? What was our career like? How were we? What were the challenges we had to overcome?
This among other techniques and interventions have become very necessary this year as we know 1 in 5 Indians in corporate India might be suffering from a mental illness especially this year .These could be caused by anxiety, stress, depression or any other form of mental suffering.
As we get into 2021 Mental Wellness continues to be also the most important area expected to be managed better in corporates.
How has been your experience this year ?
How has your company helped employees ?
P.S.: If you are suffering please call our counselors today.