HR Policies
Human Resource policies are a set of rules that provide guidelines on how an organization intends to manage its people. They help establish the legitimacy of management action by ensuring that management decisions are objective, fair, and consistent.
Its is important for the organization to review its policies periodically to ensure alignment with government regulations, industry benchmarks and its culture.
Benefits of a clear HR Policies
- Provide objective set of rules
- Educates employees about what they can expect from management and leadership
- Ensures compliance with law
- Helps defend against employee claims
Our Approach
Our approach to HR policies is holistic & three pronged.
- Our legal team looks at the policies from a regulatory angle
- Our organisational development team works with you in designing policies which reflect the organization culture
- Our industrial practices team looks at the benchmarks in the industry
Together we are able to help you in defining HR policies that re most suitable and relevant for you.
Here’s a list of HR policies that we can help you with:
- Code of Conduct
- Confidentiality
- Conflict of Interest
- Working conditions
- Attendance
- Hours of Operations
- Termination (Voluntary and Involuntary)
- Recruitment
- Compensation
- Performance Management
- Learning and development
- Benefits and Eligibility
- Overtime
- Privacy
- Employee Information
- Bereavement Leave
- Compassionate Leave
- Leave travel – LTC
- TA/ DA rules
- Gratuity & leave encashment policy
- Medi-claim – group & individual
- Children education allowance
- Medical leave
- Maternity, Parental, and Adoption Leave
- Unpaid Leave
- Relocation policy
- Off site reimbursement policy
- Grievance/Conflict Resolution
- Formal complaint process
- Disciplinary
- POSH – Discrimination and Harassment/Respectful Workplace
- Health and Safety
- Accident Reporting
- Workplace Violence
- Alcohol and Drug Use Policy
- Use of Company Equipment
- General policy on the review and update of organization policies
We also help you in putting together an employee handbook that reflects your organisational policies in an easy to understand language.