Compensation Structures
Figuring what to pay for a job in today’s scenario is becoming more complex. Putting a value on skills that are new is indeed a tough job. Added to that, if frequent benchmarking is not done – you could lose your best of the talent before you even blink. That’s where we come in.
We help you design compensation structures that meet your organization strategy, values, industry benchmarks and applicable government regulations. Our compensation specialists can help you understand industry benchmarks, adjacent jobs, work level complexities and align with your organization strategy and budgets to help you arrrive at the right compensation structures.
And that is why – our solution is about compnsation structuring and not just benchmarking. We understand behavioural economics, neuro-science and socio-science. We apply our research in these subjects to help you define compensation structures that work “right” for you.
We believe that compensation is not just about numbers – its about people.