Reverse Gap and How it affects us

Past few weeks, I have this uncanny feeling that the day folds into another day. It is as if there is no end and no beginning. Each day folds into the other like a huge accordion – where notes flow into each other – without a pause.
With the number of “not so good news” entering our lives at fast speed, one needs to search out the positive news. My 12 – year old daughter who runs a kiddie newsletter called “Boggle News” came back disappointed after yet another day of searching for positive news – disheartened. After end-less arguments – she came to terms with one thought – when today’s news is not so positive, let us remember and spread the cheer of old times.
This in psychological terms is also called reverse gap.
Just like we plan our future, we must also go back in time and relive our past. It’s a simple technique which helps us to understand how far we have travelled and that our today’s happiness is not based on today’s achievement. Remind ourselves where we were 2 years back, 5 years back, 10 years back. What did our life look like? What was our career like? How were we? What were the challenges we overcame?
It is also a brilliant way of viewing our future – looking at the horizon from a far distance.
Perhaps this is the pause that I needed and all of us need now – that nature provides us today. This reverse gap – was the fuel that supported me for the last few months.
In these tough times, while facilitating multiple programs, I looked back and started applying problem solving skills, decision making skills and virtual collaboration skills to my daily work life.
Now every anxiety is a problem to be solved, every worry is a decision to be made.
These have helped me as much as they have helped the 450 participants we have impacted in the past two& half months.
Some clients have found the program so useful that they have asked for a re-run with other teams. We did a successful program with ISTD and got an overwhelming response from the 40 participants who joined the program.
Do reach out to know more.
We have made these programs open for individuals at a very affordable price for sign ups till June 20th. I want more of us to learn these techniques and use it daily. I want all of us to be Problem Solving Yodas, Ninja Managers and learn “The Secret Code of Decision Making“
Spread the cheer!